Friday, September 16, 2011

House hunting the humane way

The idea of house or apartment hunting interests me for a couple of reasons;
·         I really like the idea that I am hunting something, but in a humane way, it makes me want to put on a beige safari suit and buy myself a pair of binoculars
·         This is my chance to make a decision on what is best for my family that is more in depth then deciding what vegetables go on their plate at night.
·         I am an extremely nosey person and I like to see how others live.  This is an opportunity to explore homes without binoculars (or safari suit) from across the street or being caught trespassing.

We have been fortunate enough to have the assistance of a relocation consultant who has organised our viewings and guided us into the right direction as far as good locations, proximity to schools, parks, shops, etc.  Before arrival in Perth, I had been corresponding with our consultant so she was aware of our needs while in Perth, and she even appeared in a few of my dreams.  One as Kerry-Anne Kennelly trying to convince me that the Love Boat, ( was to be the ideal residence for me and my family.  Apart from this particular dream, I trust her opinion.

After several viewings, our children decide to fall asleep in the car and are happily baby sat by our tour guide as we dash in and out of properties.  We have decided we like two properties in South Perth.  An apartment and a villa.  The apartment has views of the city and 3 bedrooms.  The villa is more like a large home, with a lot of space and direct access to a pool shared with  5 other villas.  We decide that the apartment would better suit our needs and convince ourselves that the mouldy carpet, mangy curtains and urine stenches from the  back room can all be solved (or dissolved) with a good professional clean, 3 cans of Glenn 20 and a good blessing with the burning scent of fresh sage.
As luck would have it, we find out that the apartment has just been sold, the keys have not been handed over yet, and there is no possibility of attaining the keys for another two weeks.  So I guess for now, we cross our fingers, hope our application is accepted and continue to call the ‘helltell’ home for now.

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